This weekend we headed out to this place: The San Jose Flea Market to sell some of our stuff in preparation for the trip. It was an awesome experience and a great way to pass on some of the things we needed to get rid of but didn’t want to take the time to post online or make a fuss about selling.
We chose to go to the Flea Market on one of their free selling days – the website said to just show up, so that’s what we did. Since we wanted to get a good spot we were up at 3:45 a.m. and waiting in line at the market at 5:15 a.m! This strategy worked out well and after getting lost only once we got our spot.
Once we were set up it was pretty relaxing to watch the people go by and do a little haggling over prices for our stuff. There was lots of cheap food available and the Mexican hot chocolate was a lifesaver in the cold early morning. This is a very easy alternative to a yard sale and I’d highly recommend checking it out. We hung out until about 5 p.m. and managed to get rid of a lot of our stuff. Kitchen items, yarn, picture frames and shoes were top sellers with books being the hardest to pass on.
Those chairs look comfy! I have subscribed to your blog so I can follow your journey! :o)
Yay! I should have mentioned in the post how instrumental you were in the whole experience. Thank you!!!