24th November
One week from today we will (hopefully) be arriving at my parents’ house and be completely out of our place in California! Time is flying by and our house is oh so gradually emptying out. Here’s somewhat of an update on what we’ve been up to:
- Dealing with selling/donating/giving away the furniture and other stuff we’ve collected over the years. If you know anyone who wants anything we still have some stuff for sale.
- Last swing dance practice with our dance troupe. Check them out – we’re sad to be leaving!
- Learning to tango! This has been wonderful fun and we’re hoping we’ve gotten enough of the basics down that we’ll be able to keep learning in Argentina.
- An all too brief trip to Sacramento for a visit with an awesome friend.
- Getting my trusty Subaru set for our drive up to Seattle. We’re hoping that the recent cold spell up there will not make our trip too treacherous.
What we’re still working on:
- Finalizing our backpack packing lists. I’m itching to get some more details up about packing lists, but want to wait until we’re pretty well set.
- Still have one more booster shot for Japanese Encephalitis.
- This blog! We need to figure out photo management while we’re away and how best to display galleries to share with our friends.
- All the little planning details – so very time consuming.
- Making the most of our time with friends here. It’s going to be hard to leave!