30th November
I had hoped to get a lot more blog posts up before heading out, but it’s time to turn off my computer, pull out the hard drive, and say goodbye to the rest of it.
It’s so hard to leave this place – we love our apartment and our friends and our dog! The goodbyes have been tough, but wonderful to have such amazing friends. And now we’re almost on our way. Tomorrow we set off for a few days in Seattle with family and then on Saturday we fly out.
Thank you California friends!!!!! We’re really going to miss you!!!
Onward and outward to adventures untold. Looking forward to hearing them all!
Justin and Hazel,
I just got the address for your blog and I think your upcoming adventure is so exciting. I think leaving might be the hardest part of your journey. Once you get underway, it will be a blast. I plan to keep up with you as you travel, so keep posting!
Love, Aunt Kathy