20th December
Since many of you know that we’re a couple of snobs when we’re drinking, I thought I’d outline the experiences we’ve had with beer while we’ve been here. As you may know, New Zealand is well-regarded for its wines, but it also has a selection of tasty local breweries. We’ve tried:
- Steinlager – this was a part of our away party. A reasonable lager for export, and drinkable, but not a beer I’d seek out in Belgium.
- Mac’s – This beer was found mostly on the North Island so far, and in supermarkets. They have a full range of beers from their pilsner to their “Black Mac”. I preferred their red bitter, and Hazel liked Mac’s Gold.
- Speight’s – We’ve only had their “Gold Medal”, an unremarkable but tasty ale.
- Tui – This is a local beer brewed in the south of the North Island. Very popular judging by the number of pubs that have a sign branded Tui instead of branded with their own name. Tastes remarkably like Newcastle!
- West Coast Brewery – We went to the brewery of this one, and tasted their range of beers there, but we weren’t too impressed. Their two lagers were our favorite.
- Monteith’s – We also went to this brewery, which was much cooler, but we were unable to do a tour due to time restrictions. We did buy a variety six-pack that we’re working our way through, though! Some very tasty beers.
Some beer photos along the way:
More on the wine later!
Fascinating! NZ is known for its hops, which (being largely disease free due to remoteness) tend to be organic and flavorful – sometimes in odd ways (orange marmalade??). The Fish Brewing Co in Olympia uses one. I’d love to hear about your ‘best of class’ favorite beers, especially for pale ale.
I’ve really been enjoying your blog but I think this is my favorite post so far :) You realize you’ll need to do this for every destination?
It has been fun reading about your adventures. Ah…to be young again. Keep posting! Although it is only 2pm here in Florida, I noticed that on the NORAD Santa tracker it is Christmas in New Zealand and Santa has alrady delivered his presents. I hope Santa was good to you this year. MERRY CHRISTMAS!
Great hearing from you from Christchurch on Christmas…..is that a coincidence? where to next?
Thanks for the call on Christmas. It was the first we received from anywhere outside of the US except from the UK or Europe. It was great to tell everone who called later that we talked with you.
We planned it that way! ;)