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12th June
written by Hazel

We arrived in Barcelona and went right to the hotel to meet up with our good friends from home.  This was so exciting!  We got 4 whole days traveling with them and it was glorious!  The hotel we stayed at in Barcelona was quite a bit more pricey than we’ve been used to, but we were excited to have our own bathroom and a really comfy bed for a couple of nights.

We went out and tasted some of the food and nightlife in the neighborhood we were staying in.

Amazing seafood paella!

Amazing seafood paella!

Friends!  And wine!

Friends! And wine!

We ran into a German festival and had one euro German sausages for lunch.  We also managed to see Park Güell which is a famous park designed by Antoni Gaudí.

Park Guell

Park Guell

We saw a mini truck.

Mini Truck!

Mini Truck!

Some funky Gaudi furniture.

Gaudi's furniture

Gaudi's furniture

It was a really hot day and the ice cream was awesome!  I had TWO that day!

Friends and ice cream!

Friends and ice cream!

Click through for more pictures – there are lots!

And we saw some more Gaudi – an amazing cathedral which was unfortunately covered with scaffolding, but was still pretty interesting.



We only had one full day in Barcelona, so we crammed as much into it as we could, and in general were pretty happy with the place.  It is a huge city and we definitely didn’t cover it all before we hopped in the car our friends had rented and made our way back to Madrid.


  1. Cynthia

    Can we do that again please?! Kinda bummed I was on the verge of heat stroke and hung over to really enjoy myself at the Gaudi park…But I have a feeling an even better city is around the corner :-)

  2. Hazel

    Yeah! Where do you want to meet up next?! We were so glad you guys were able to meet up with us and we had so, so much fun!!!

  3. sam

    I got your post card! Which is funny because by the time I got it you are probably out of Spain!

  4. Hazel

    We are indeed out of Spain, and have a lot of updates to make on the blog catching up with what we’ve been doing. So glad you got the postcard and hope you’re doing well!

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