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30th July
written by Hazel

We left Berlin heading for Prague, but since it was a pretty long train journey we decided to make a stop in Dresden, in the south of Germany, to break things up a little. We were supposed to have a few hours to walk around, but because we misread the train schedule we ended up only having about an hour and a half.

Dresden has a fairly compact center, so we were able to walk from the train station and just spend some time wandering around. There are many really beautiful buildings to look at. We first walked through a kind of shopping mall area, and then arrived at the older part of town.

Since we didn’t have time to investigate much I’ll just post some of the pictures we took and leave you with the same kind of general impression that we got. Click any of the photos below to see our whole gallery.  It looks like it would be a good place for a holiday…

Shopping mall area

Shopping mall area

Cathedral with statue of Martin Luther

Cathedral with statue of Martin Luther

The cathedral was rebuilt after WWII and many of the original pieces of stone were used.  Hence the multicolor effect.

Very long mural (a whole city block!)

Very long mural (a whole city block!)

Another beautiful church

Another beautiful church



Reminder that this used to be East Germany

Reminder that this used to be East Germany

Lunch!  And Pirate Hat!

Lunch! And Pirate Hat!

Not bad for just a little over an hour….

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