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30th September
written by Hazel

This post has been a while coming partly because the amazing awesomeness of Chobe National Park is so huge that it’s a pretty intimidating post to write.  This, for me, was a completely magical day.  I wanted elephants and I got ELEPHANTS.  Tiny baby elephants, elephants having mud baths, a huge herd of elephants crossing a river, and even sunset elephants.  This park has the highest concentration of elephants in the world.  In fact, they like it so much that if they try to take the elephants elsewhere to redistribute the population the elephants will walk back over 700 kms to get back to this park.

We got up in the morning in Livingstone, in Zambia and had to wait for some new people to join the tour.  There was a bit of a miscommunication between the head office and our tour leader (the didn’t tell him that some people were not going to show up!) which resulted in a bit of a mad dash to get the ferry across the border.  Fortunately, our guide was looking out for us and arranged for our game drive vehicles to meet us straight off the boat and take us directly to see the animals.

We had a really nice game drive vehicle and driver and had about 2.5 hours of driving up and down the Chobe river looking for wildlife.  There were so many amazing sightings, so if you want to see all the pictures click on any of these and it will take you through to the gallery.  But here are some of my favorite things!  (EDIT: ok, there are about a million pictures below.  But it really was that great!)

First view of the Chobe River

First view of the Chobe River



We were amazed at how close to the animals we were.  Many of these pictures aren’t even zoomed in!

Sable Antelope

Sable Antelope

Kingfisher fishing

Kingfisher fishing

Little Bee Eater

Little Bee Eater

Baby Elephant!  Estimated to be 2 days old!

Baby Elephant! Estimated to be 2 days old!

Croc eating a fish

Croc eating a fish

One more of the baby elephant

One more of the baby elephant

Giraffes in a row

Giraffes in a row

Lilac breasted roller

Lilac breasted roller

Fish Eagle

Fish Eagle

And that wasn’t all!  Sorry if you’re bored of incredible animals already, but there is more!  We went on a sunset cruise along the river and saw SO MANY animals.



More elephants!  Looking majestic.

More elephants! Looking majestic.

Tiny baby hippo

Tiny baby hippo

And then we saw something that I will never forget as long as I live.  There are islands in the middle of the river and lots of the animals like to sleep on them for safety.  Our boat pulled up to where a huge group of elephants were about to swim across the river for the night.  We got to watch the whole thing!

Elephants getting ready to cross the river

Elephants getting ready to cross the river

First, three large elephants crossed

First, three large elephants crossed

Then the mothers and babies clumped together to keep the babies safe

Then the mothers and babies clumped together to keep the babies safe

Into the river!

Into the river!

The big elephants helped the babies keep their trunks above water

The big elephants helped the babies keep their trunks above water

Made it!

Made it!

And then we had an incredible sunset!

Incredible sunset colors

Incredible sunset colors

It was a long, but absolutely perfect day.  This was one of the very best days of this safari and the amount of wildlife we saw was so much more than I had expected.  We were at another nice campground that evening and enjoyed sitting around the fire getting to know the people who had joined the tour that morning.



  1. Bob D

    Now that’s what I call a safari!! A Croc eating a catfish isn’t quite as cool as a lion eating a gazelle, but not bad for one day….

  2. Hazel

    Just you wait! We have a lion eating a buffalo coming up!!!

  3. sam

    Hey guys. Safari sounded awesome! How was it traveling Aug/Sept? I still have to go on my safari outside of Jburg, SA and was thinking about going around the same months.

    How much longer will you be away? Can’t wait to see you guys after you’re back and things have settled down.

    Great pics. :)

  4. Hazel

    Hey Sam! Good to hear from you! We thought it was the perfect time of year to be traveling. Not too hot, but we didn’t get rained on either. Lots of animals too and we even saw lots of baby animals as well. I would definitely try to avoid the hottest times of year.

    We’ll be back in California in mid December and then back in Washington state from late December until we figure out our next steps. We’d love to see you too!!!!

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